Moving (not really)


Anyways, hi. I wanted to talk about something very important that has happened in my life, moving. When I was in 4th grade, my parents announced “special” news. We were moving. And not like to another street in the same city, but we were moving to Turkey, my parents home country! The thing was, I didn’t know Turkish as well, my friends were all here, and I was afraid of the schools. But, I couldn’t do anything. No matter how many times I cried, they still moved. My parents just wanted to be closer to their parents which I understood. When we moved, we had a small house, and it made me feel cozy. I went to a private school there so I wouldn’t have trouble with Turkish, but I actually never really did. People there were nice and were eager to have me as their friend. I lived there for 2 years, then my parents were like we are moving back. They said that they love being close to their family, but they wanted to come back to America. Basically, they missed America.

So we moved back in the 7th grade. I have a nice house, got 2 cats, have lots of new friends, have a nice school, and a steady and peaceful life.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Piano Problems

Hey! So today, i’m going to talk about one of my hobbies, the piano. I started playing about 5-6 years ago. I was pretty good, and I loved the piano, but after 3 years of playing, my piano teacher moved. That was sad because she was very nice and she was also my mom’s friends. So, I ended up playing for 3 years, then never played again. We never really bothered to look for another teacher, mainly because we were moving too. When I moved back (i’ll explain where I moved and so) I got out my piano and after the 3 years of not playing, I was terrible.I had to label my piano, print out sheet music so I could also label the notes, and I was frustrated. But, I did memorize a small, but cute piece, called “Graceful Violin”. I was also thinking about starting the flute or piccolo. I also might be getting piano lessons 🙂

Other than my piano problem, my days were normal, which was why I didn’t want to blog. Normal school, normal after school classes, normal homework.

What instrument do you play ( and no, mayo and horse radish is not an instrument Patrick :))

Hope you’re having a good day!



Going to the Doctor

Hi again!

So today, after school, I had to go to the doctors because, 2-3 weeks ago, I fractured some part of my knee and count’t bend/ step on it. But now, I can indeed step on it. We had a checkup, and as usual, I called my mom after school telling her to pick me up. Apparently, the electricity went out in our house and in some other parts of our neighborhood, and the car was in our garage, so she couldn’t come. So she called my dad and my dad told her to open the garage with her hand because if he came to pick up me and my mom from his work, we would be late. My mom DID open the door, got the car out, and picked me up.

I was wearing a knee brace in which I couldn’t bend my knee, which was good. When we went to the doctors, they told me I needed a smaller knee brace which I could bend my knee.  After the doctors, we went to my after school class, which I was 40 minutes late because of the doctors. My after school class isn’t like sports, but mostly for learning. It was fun today because after we went over some stuff, we played charades with the whole class. It was very funny :). When I came back home, I ate some leftover from the Indian Restaurant from yesterday. I started on my homework, which was only one math page. After that, I decided to take le ol’ organ ( an electronic piano). I hadn’t played in a coupe of years, so my playing was rusty and I got frustrated. But,  my favorite anime, A LITTLE SNOW FAIRY SUGAR, was basically all about music, so they had music sheets for the music. I tried playing them, then realized that I also forgot how to read sheet music. I printed the sheets and wrote the letters on the sheet and also labeled my piano with the keys. I started playing, and am almost done with one of the pieces, but am stuck on some other one. BTW I printed out 5-6 music sheets. Then, I decide to write this blogpost.

I will continue to play the piano for the night, then probably sleep. Also, I want to play the piccolo or maybe flute. I am searching for lessons. If any of you have a class that you know of plz tell me in the comments 🙂

Good Night


New Blog!

Hi! I have been wanting to blog, but I’m not too good at writing. Hey, at least I’m going to try!

So let me start off by saying what I did today. Well, today we actually weren’t going to do anything, as it is the last day of break and everyone in my family is tired. But, my parents were talking about moving some furniture around, so they changed some furniture in one of the rooms. Now the room they changed has lived up to its potential.

I also wanted to get some new furniture or switch things up in my room, because I feel like its too childish, but lets see when I actually do go and attempt to. I have this weird habit of wanting to do something, but not doing it until like  couple of weeks, so lets see when I take action to change my room.

Later, I was watching some PopularMMOs (my favorite you tubers 🙂 and DanTDM ( who I don’t like as much, but is still amazing) and I was hungry, so we had to choose to go eat outside or to grill some fish ( which I HATE eating) and chicken for me. We called our friends and decided to eat at an Indian restaurant named SHAN. It was delicious, but today it was just too much to eat, despite the fact I didn’t eat anything else that day. After eating there, we went to DAISO JAPAN, which was across the street. Daiso sells cute Japanese items for only $1.5o excluding some items. I got many things such as socks, modeling clay ( btw i’m terrible at modeling), a cute ice cream calculator, scrunchies, duct tape, and some coloring books for kids that might come to our house.

After we came home a kid did in fact come to our house. We colored, watched some clips from The Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King, and played with her MLP plushie and Barbie doll.

Now they left, and here I am writing this blogpost.

Goodnight! Hope you had an amazing day!
